Podcast: The Last Wire Podcast

The Last Wire Podcast
The Last Wire Podcast
Lessons Learned From A Derecho!
  • Lessons Learned From A Derecho!

    Lessons Learned From A Derecho!

    Jan 26, 2021 •

    As a new Ham John, KE0ZOW found himself and his community in a severe weather event, know as a Derecho. The heavy wind event brought down power and communications a […]

  • Communication breaks down in High River

    Communication breaks down in High River

    Jan 26, 2021 •

    The town of High River is no stranger to flooding, but in 2013, there were communications break down in the region as water continued to flow. Vince had his orders […]

  • The Challenges Facing Ham Radio During A Search & Rescue Operation

    The Challenges Facing Ham Radio During A Search & Rescue Operation

    Jan 26, 2021 •

    As a working cowboy, he vanished from the Merritt area and his is abandoned horse was found fully saddled on a forest service road northwest of the city two days […]

  • What was The Last Wireless Message On The Doomed Titanic?

    What was The Last Wireless Message On The Doomed Titanic?

    Feb 17, 2021 • 45:12

    At 12:15 AM on April 15, 1912, a message rang out across the Atlantic: “CQD MGY 41.46 N 50.24 W.” The message, sent by a Marconi radio operator, came from […]

  • A Winter Storm Didn't Stop Texas Hams

    A Winter Storm Didn't Stop Texas Hams

    Feb 25, 2021 • 12:28

    The February 13–17, 2021 North American winter storm, also unofficially referred to as Winter Storm Uri, was a major winter and ice storm that had widespread impacts across the United […]

  • When disaster strikes in the UK, they call on Raynet.

    When disaster strikes in the UK, they call on Raynet.

    Mar 3, 2021 • 21:09

    Today in the Last Wire Podcast, we’re joined with Tom, (M7GMZ). Who’s part of the South Wiltshire Raynet in the United Kingdom. His group is part of a volunteer communication […]

  • A New Ham's Trial By Fire!

    A New Ham's Trial By Fire!

    Apr 13, 2021 • 15:53

    While Ed W4EMB, was still station in Iraq, he studied Ham radio while he could, between missions. Little did he know that when he got back and wrote his amateur […]

  • Why does this Emergency Amateur Radio group remain largely unknown?

    Why does this Emergency Amateur Radio group remain largely unknown?

    Apr 21, 2021 • 19:30

    The Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) is a Defense Department-sponsored civilian auxiliary of amateur radio operators that actively supports military operations. While the USA Defence Department will employ amateur radio […]

  • Wildfires Shut Down Communications

    Wildfires Shut Down Communications

    Jan 26, 2021 •

    On this episode of The Last Wire Podcast, we are joined with Myles, VE7FSR. On this show, we will learn about the 2017 wildfires that displaced thousands of residents in […]

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